Yazd is one of the last ancient cities in the world. It is located around 900km away from Mashhad (the first city I visit in Iran). On the way there, I hitchhiked from Mashhad to Tabas and took bus from Tabas to Yazd since it was dark and raining quite heavily.
In Yazd, I love to stroll around its old city which is also considered as on of the last remaining ancient city which is still standing. Due to its location which is quite higher from the sea level, the Mongol raiding party did not reach here. So, no looting or damage have been done by the Golden Horde’s armies like the other ancient cities.

Right in the ancient city, located few attractions such as Jama’ Masjid of Yazd, Alexander’s prison, few noble houses, garden, Amir Chaghmagh complex, aqueduct, and lots of old houses with wind catchers. The best part of the city is to get on top of the roof of any building around the city for the sunset view. Amir Chakhmaq complex is free, so take a photo of it during day and night. While the other are all payable at around IRR200000 each. I only entered Jama’ Masjid of Yazd which cost me IRR80000. The other, I just watched them from the yard.
Besides that, there are also Zoroastrian fire temple a bit far away from the old city. The fee is IRR150000. I went inside but it was nothing much. It will be worth if you really like to know about zoroastrian religion and to see the flame. Just a lot of exhibition, that’s all.
Then, there are few Zoroastrian’s silence tower outside city. These silence tower were used to place the dead body to decompose and eaten only by the birds. Further stories about Zoroastrian silence tower, you should visit them too. I can’t tell much because I did not enter them.

But I went to Meyboud town, 60km north of Yazd. Meyboud is the center of tile production for the whole Iran. You can see at least 40 factories around the town. In Meyboud, there also a few attraction, again with fee and I did not enter them. However, strolling around the old town od Meyboud also give a lot of awesome opportunity to capture street photos. For a free point of attraction, I went to a caravanserai in Meyboud. Caravanserai was a place used by travelers along the silk road to have a rest. Kind of modern day R&R or service area along the highway.
I also plan to hike up the Shirkooh peak located near Taft. With an elevation of 4000m above sea level, while Yazd at 1300 meter above sea level, it can be done in a day hike trip. It will be really exhausting trip since first part of the hike is steep which also will be your last part. But, I did not go up shirkooh peak due to weather condition and ill-prepared gears with me.

Yazd is a perfect blend of the ancient and modern architecture. It is well known with the structure named ‘wind catcher’. The wind catcher is built to promote better ventilation to the household and also act like an air conditioner where it traps the cold air and channel them inside the house. You can find the highest wind catcher in Yazd in Dawlat Abad Garden. The entrance fee into the garden is around IRR250000
Things to do in Yazd:
- Dawlat- Abad garden.
- Amir chaghmagh complex during day and night.
- Stroll around the old city of Yazd.
- Visit Meyboud town.
- Zoroastrian fire temple and silence tower.
- Hike Shirkooh peak near Taft.