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New Zealand Working Holiday Visa

posted in: Destinations, New Zealand, Tips, Travel | 0
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New Zealand working holidays visa give inspiring young people chance to travel in New Zealand for extended period by funding the travel expenses with casual works. It open for those between the ages of 18-30 or 18-35 years old depend on country of citizenship you applied from. I think it is a good opportunity to explore New Zealand and at the same time add some saving into our travel wallet for the next adventures. Check out Nzimmigration .

Once your visa are granted, the visa is valid for a year to be activated which happen when you first arrive in one of New Zealand ports. Once activated, the visa validity depends on your country, as of mine, Malaysia, we are given 6 months validity and another 3 months extension under certain condition. To extend another 3 months, we need to provide evidence of 12 weeks working in horticulture industry in New Zealand.

We basically can do any kind of works available as long as we are willing to and it’s not against the law. To start, we will need to open a bank account and a tax account with the Inland Revenue Department. Our wages will be paid weekly and so do the income tax which starts with 10.5% rate. There is a minimum wage of NZD 15.75/hour in New Zealand. Depends on our type of job, qualification and working hours, we will be paid accordingly.

This visa scheme is a once in a life time opportunity and will not be granted for second timer. So, all the best in applying for the visa and enjoy the great adventure of the Middle Earth.

More about New Zealand in blog posts.