Most people will imagine terrorism, fanatic shiite’s followers, hostile locals, and very bad infrastructures when they hear Islamic republic of Iran. Fear not, here are 10 reason why Iran should be in your travel list and be ready to bust all the myths about this region of the world.
#1. Toruf culture.
Toruf is a tradition where the hosts offer their best hospitality toward their guests. If a guest ever visit their home, the host will serve the guests and make them feel like home. Sometimes, it can make the guest feel awkward and it is hard to say no to the host. Just say thank you to any of their offer, and take if you want, and don’t if you don’t want to. Just be polite.

#2. Friendly towards foreigner.
Iranian are friendly towards foreigners, especially the youngster. Ever since Iran Revolution took place, their door remains strict if not closed. Their ability to travel with their passport becomes troublesome. Thus instead of going overseas, they open their arms and meet other cultures in their own court. Learning their culture and sharing your own culture will be more exciting

#3. Ancient Persian architectures.
Witness the beauty of persian architecture which has its own distinct features. Symmetrical buildings, blue marbles, domes, wind catcher, colourful glasses, and structures inspired by the fibonacci architectures.

#4. Iran is rich in history.
For centuries, numbers of empires were based in today modern Iran. These include the famous Achaemenid empire founded by Cyrus the Great, based in Persepolis near Shiraz. Which later succeeded by Seleucid, Parthian, Sassanid and all other modern empires you learnt in world history. Including the Mongol’s invasion during Islamic era. It would not be enough to share all about the history here.
#5. They are multicultural and multi-ethnic society.
Due to the long rich history and changes in borders, they have several ethnics around Iran. Usually in provinces along the borders, there are different ethnicities such as Azeri, Kurdish, Turkmen, Baloch, Lur, and Arab other than the largest group of Persian.
#6. Iran is safe.
What the media feed us about Iran is not necessarily true. According to nation master website, there are 80% more chances of experiencing violent hate crime in United states of America than in Iran.

#7. Awesome tea culture.
Tea (chai) is a big culture in Iran as well in other central asia countries. Every visit to a place is incomplete without a sip of tea. Have your tea depending on your current mood.
#8. Cheap currency exchange
Due to the tension between Iranian government and the west, the Iranian riyal currency keep plunging against US dollar. Though t is too bad for Iranian, it is indeed a good opportunity for foreigner to travel to Iran, cheaply.
#9. Not to far, nor too near.
Located between central asia and middle east, europe and asia, Iran is actually a halfway through where ever you are, if you ever consider to travel to other side of the world. But actually almost 5 times the size of Germany.
#10. Beautiful nature.
In central part of Iran, mostly are desert ecology. Near the caspian sea, in mazandaran province, there is totally different climate due to rainfall all year round and mostly green forest. While near Tehran, there is Tochal mountain, a famous ski resort area. For avid climbers, Mt Damavand is a must, since it is the highest mountain in Iran. Planning for an island escapade, go to Hormuz island in persian gulf. They have it all.
Most importantly, the reason to travel here is to see it, feel it and experience Iran on ourselves. Not through media feeds. Hope these give us enough reason to travel in Iran soon.